Based on our network, templates and references we provide you a single point of contact (SPOC) who leads and coordinates your requirements from beginning to the end of the project. Your Codex Execution SPOC (Single Point of Contact) manages and coordinates your requirements from first meeting to successful implementation:
Codex Execution provides End-to-End consulting
We are experienced in managing companies, which positions us perfectly to understand your needs
(360 degrees view)
(360 degrees view)
We offer personalized services and deliver them through standardized, fast and reliable procedures
We understand blockchain related technologies and are therefore the perfect partner for blockchain-based businesses
We work closely with a project’s team to dive deeply into every step of a token sale preparation, execution and post-sale support
We maintain first-class business contacts with our cryptovalley /blockchain partners for the benefit of our clients
We are the first company who provides a Crypto Accounting solution.
We Manage the Network
Arie Y. Levy Cohen
Herbert Sterchi
Email -
Armand Kurath
Senior Compliance Consultant | MLaw
Email -